Hi, is someone able to help me understand why <thi...
# golang
Hi, is someone able to help me understand why this line in plogin_install.go is configured to log as an error?
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cmdutil.Diag().Infoerrf(diag.Message("", "%s installing"), label)
Shouldn't it us the same logging logic as other messages in that script, e.g...
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logging.V(1).Infof("%s installing", label)
could be a bug. Is this causing you trouble somehow?
"Trouble" would be strong, but certainly a mild annoyance: we use Octopus Deploy to automate using
pulumi up
and that system interprets those installation logs as errors. Luckily, it doesn't stop our automated processes, but it flags every deployment as having warnings. When we look at those deployment logs, here's what we see:
Everything installs just fine — but that log line prints as an error everytime
would you mind filing an issue, we'd be happy to take a look https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/new/choose