I'm having a hard time getting values out of terra...
# golang
I'm having a hard time getting values out of terraform remote state (I'm using the tf cloud backend). Working from the example here: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/adopting/from_terraform/ - is there a canonical way to simply get the map of outputs from the remote state into a Go object so I can interpolate them into other resources?
I feel like I'm missing something super basic here
hmmm Ive never used this: did you see the examples here? https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform/tree/master/examples
what's not working about it?
maybe this is a fundamental misunderstanding on my part, or my relative inexperience with Go - all I'm trying to do is get a list of subnet IDs from tf remote state into a
The example given is
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publicSubnetIds := tfNetState.Outputs.ApplyT(func(args interface{}) ([]string, error) {
			ids := args.(map[string]interface{})["public-subnet-ids"].([]interface{})
			subnetIds := make([]string, len(ids))
			for i, v := range ids {
				subnetIds[i] = v.(string)
			return subnetIds, nil
Should I not then just be able to
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for _, v := range publicSubnetIds {
			fmt.Printf("id: %s", v)
? But apparently this object isn't iterable
This is what I mean when I say I feel I'm missing something basic 😅
@ambitious-salesmen-39356 you need to range through the IDs inside the apply
in your case,
is still async, so it's not known - it's not iterable because it's not known how long it is: what are you trying to pass the public subnets to?
right now just a print statement so I can make sure I'm getting values out =D
I'm just trying to figure out how to work with tf state
my actual objective here is to get lb target group arns for use in kubernetes service objects
so, some pseudo code
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publicSubnetIds := tfNetState.Outputs.ApplyT(func(args interface{}) ([]string, error) {
  // you can print each value here, because the value is resolved
ultimately what I think you're going to want to do is:
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var awsPublicSubnets []ec2.Subnet

publicSubnetIds := tfNetState.Outputs.ApplyT(func(args interface{}) ([]string, error) {
			// do an append inside the apply
that makes sense.