Hi everyone! Is it possible to convert variable of...
# golang
Hi everyone! Is it possible to convert variable of type pulumi.StringOutput to string... I think it's with ApplyT but I'm running into errors trying to manipulate that.
Can you give an example that you are getting errors with? ApplyT is indeed the right way
Copy code
ingressURL := ingress.Status.ApplyT(
		func(status interface{}) string {
			return *status.(*networkingv1.IngressStatus).LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Hostname
However @bored-table-20691, I'm not sure how to get the Hostname as just a string...
You can’t - it is not known deterministically, so you can only access it inside the ApplyT (and then use it elsewhere as an Output).
What are you trying to do?
I found out how to solve that. Route53 zone IDs never change so I defined those in pulumi config file