Hey have been getting into Pulumi with the announc...
# dotnet
Hey have been getting into Pulumi with the announcement of the adoption of .NET Core. Great stuff! Have worked through the initial 'Hello World'. Now looking at some of the more complicated examples, in particular
. I think this maybe needs to call an Azure API to request Azure to restart the app to ensure the new code takes effect... I'm finding that the behaviour of the functions app doesn't always seem to update to reflect the new code in the blob. I'm willing to give it a go myself, but stuck on figuring out how to get the default subscription id that I need to call the API, and can I rely on Pulumi having already authenticated (or is Pulumi using the
tool under the hood and I just need to call an
command somehow?)
Great to hear you enjoy it so far!
That's a bit of a surprise about the behavior of Functions that you describe. Do you have any links to issues?
Ideally, you wouldn't need to do any manual restarts.
Pulumi doesn't use
directly but relies on you having done
az login
unless you use a SP to deploy
https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-host/issues/2636#issuecomment-552866197 is the issue and comment where I have started contributing. That is a v1 issue however so the team there have asked me to open up a new issue for them to chase down this behaviour.
Have you opened a new one? I can comment on Pulumi behavior there (it's basically Run-from-package setting update via Terraform)
Not yet… I’m wondering if there is some flakiness in the fact that the sample is using the v3 host which is still in preview (I believe?). So I’m not sure if it is strictly an issue with interaction between Pulumi and Azure or if the v3 host doesn’t properly handle reloading in response to a changed WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE setting (or if that is even a supported scenario, are explicit restart requests required?) Putting an issue together takes some time which I don’t have right now, but will hopefully do it later.
Ah, that could be. Maybe try it with v2?
Yeah good idea! Will give it a go later and let you know 👍🏻