I'm liking Pulumi! question - is there going to be...
# dotnet
I'm liking Pulumi! question - is there going to be an octopus deploy extension that can run on Windows? My Octopus instance is self hosted oN Windows
Hi @sparse-piano-12937 There is already an octopus integration. You can find it on the integration page
Ah I was meant to post this in general! Issue with this is that I can't save the settings to the extension as it complains that it needs to run on Linux.
@sparse-piano-12937 can you elaborate on that? I'm not familiar with Octopus but can relay to our engineer that worked on that extension.
Yeah the extension has a suffix (Linux). I was able to add the extension (well, step) to my self-hosted instance on Windows but when I press save I got the error that bash scripts can't run on Windows.