Hi all! I'm just getting started and hit a snag. I...
# dotnet
Hi all! I'm just getting started and hit a snag. I have gone through the c# intro walk-through successfully, and now trying to set up my first Azure function. Pulled sample source from https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/azure-cs-functions-raw, and after calling 'pulumi up' the four stack resources are created successfully, but getting an InvalidOperationException: error: Running program 'C:\Projects\pulumi\azure-csharp2\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\Azure.FunctionsRaw.dll' failed with an unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Expected System.String but got System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray`1[[System.Object, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] deserializing Pulumi.Azure.AppService.FunctionApp.appSettings at Pulumi.Serialization.Converter.EnsureType[T](String context, Object val) at Pulumi.Serialization.Converter.ConvertObject(String context, Object val, Type targetType) at Pulumi.Serialization.Converter.ConvertDictionary(String fieldName, Object val, Type targetType) at Pulumi.Serialization.Converter.ConvertObject(String context, Object val, Type targetType) at Pulumi.Serialization.Converter.ConvertValue(String context, Value value, Type targetType) at Pulumi.Deployment.CompleteResourceAsync(Resource resource, ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options, ImmutableDictionary`2 completionSources) at Pulumi.Output`1.Pulumi.IOutput.GetDataAsync() at Pulumi.Output`1.AllHelperAsync(ImmutableArray`1 inputs) at Pulumi.Output`1.ApplyHelperAsync[U](Task`1 dataTask, Func`2 func) at Pulumi.Output`1.Pulumi.IOutput.GetDataAsync() at Pulumi.Output`1.Pulumi.IOutput.GetDataAsync() at Pulumi.Serialization.Serializer.SerializeAsync(String ctx, Object prop) at Pulumi.Serialization.Serializer.SerializeAsync(String ctx, Object prop) at Pulumi.Deployment.SerializeFilteredPropertiesAsync(String label, Input`1 args, Predicate`1 acceptKey) at Pulumi.Deployment.SerializeAllPropertiesAsync(String label, Input`1 args) at Pulumi.Deployment.RegisterResourceOutputsAsync(Resource resource, Output`1 outputs) at Pulumi.Deployment.Runner.WhileRunningAsync()
Thoughts on where I should look for help?
You might be able to work around it by explicitly referencing the
nuget package of version
d'oh, could have found that on my own, thanks, and will check that work-around as well
Thanks for being patient while we stabilize the .net sdk
👍 2
Just got bit by this myself, too 🙂
Hi @tall-librarian-49374, i've just run into an issue which looks like this but it isn't the same. See https://github.com/pulumi/examples/issues/498. The issue referenced above #476 was fixed in 1.6.0 and this is happening in 1.6.1. (cli version) with nuget package 1.7.0-preview-alpha.1575889533
@stocky-crayon-93563 which version of Pulumi.Azure are you on?
I was on 1.14-preview but I've also tested using the latest preview 1.7.0-preview-alpha.1575889533
Okay, I'll try to figure it out, thanks
Just tried with the 1.7.0-preview package (i.e. no -alpha* suffix) and same issue - added comment to the GH issue
This is fixed in 1.8.0-preview released today
It took us a while to reconcile some breaking changes, sorry for the mess