Hi All, I'm hoping someone can help me clean up my...
# dotnet
Hi All, I'm hoping someone can help me clean up my code. I'm wondering what the "correct" way to use StackReference to read in an Output from another project is? I am trying to read in the name of an Azure Resource Group and then use it in a GetResourceGroup command. At the moment if I read it in like this...
var rgName = proj.RequireObject("ResourceGroupName").Apply(name => name.ToString());
rgName ends up being of type Output<string?> i.e. it can be null because this is what ToString returns even though I'm using RequireObject When I then cone to use rgName in my code to get the resource group
var rg = rgName.Apply(rgName => GetResourceGroup.InvokeAsyn(new GetResourceGroupArgs { Name = rgName } ));
I get a warning about a possible null reference assignment as I am passing in Output<string?>? rather than Output<string> which is what GetResourceGroupArgs wants for Name. The code works and I can hide the error using ! (i.e. { Name = rgName! }) but is there a cleaner way to do this i.e. get the value from RequireObject as Output<string> in the first place rather than Output<string?>
Looks like a normal cast works instead of the ToString()
name => (string)name
What is
in your example? A
If so, why not use
instead of
that returns a string directly?
Hi Mikhail.
is a StackReference to another project so I am using
, don't think Require is an option?