# dotnet
https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/continuous-delivery/azure-devops/ describes how to use Azure DevOps to deploy Pulumi, but only to Azure. We use Azure Pipelines but want to deploy to AWS. The Pulumi Azure Pipelines Task only supports deployments to Azure. It would be very nice to have a more generic Azure DevOps task that lets you run Pulumi that isn't married to Azure.
I just use the CLI from a Bash task, install Pulumi and execute commands. The DevOps task doesn't support secret providers either if I recall correctly.
happy to share the example
We use Azure Pipelines but want to deploy to AWS. The Pulumi Azure Pipelines Task only supports deployments to Azure. It would be very nice to have a more generic Azure DevOps task that lets you run Pulumi that isn’t married to Azure.
Hi @bumpy-motorcycle-53357 the task does support deploying all of the providers that Pulumi supports. The only nice thing about deploying to Azure with the task is that you can use an Azure Service Connection because that’s a first-class concept for the Azure cloud only. For all others, you may define secret variables for your build/release pipeline that is then automatically made available to your Pulumi app as well. EDIT: Note that specifying a Service Connection is optional. You can still specify all of the
as build variables too. But the Service Connection is definitely the recommended way to go if you are deploying to Azure on Azure Pipelines.
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I’ll update https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/continuous-delivery/azure-devops/ too with the same note as what we have on the marketplace page for the extension.
Why is Azure first-class, AWS has better processing power and majority of the clients. Pulumi isn't a cloud specific it's a cloud agnostic platform. So please update the Extension so that it can use AWS Service Providers, not just Azure.
Cloud agnostic company should think cloud agnostic 100%
I think @clever-sunset-76585 meant Azure is a first-class support in Azure DevOps, not Pulumi
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I think @clever-sunset-76585 meant Azure is a first-class support in Azure DevOps, not Pulumi