I have a .net core web api that requires cosmos db...
# dotnet
I have a .net core web api that requires cosmos db, azure file share, and I was wondering how you guys structure the solution so you can deploy a .net core web app/api using azure-csharp. Would you create a new project or would you install pulumi in the api you want to deploy?
This is my current setup
Haven’t done it in prod yet, but that is sort of how I imagine it. I might separate it out in folders as well, one for the infrastructure and one for the app.
👍 1
Yep. I’m currently doing it that way, so I can add my azure-pipelines.yml in the root directory and publish my app and then call the Pulumi ADO Task.
I have this running locally when I specify where the publish folder of the WebApi, however I’m having some trouble trying to change that value when Pulumi runs on ADO Pipelines since the path is not a file system anymore and the Staging folder is not shared by the task that publishes and the Pulumi task. Have you used ADO pipelines for this @wet-noon-14291?
Yes I did in my proof of concept. But I used a make script to run a fake script that ran pulumi. So all I needed in devops was “make deploy” basically, and set the pulumi token.
The code for it is here https://github.com/mastoj/sweetspot. Might not be straightforward to follow since it is a playground.
I see, I’m currently using the Pulumu ADO task, might be a little bit hacky what I’m doing but I will go your route if I can’t figure this out. Thank you for sharing!
I would say my way is more hacky, but it is also easier to run the exact same thing locally. To test it from local I can just run “make deploy” the same way as I do in devops.
I figured something out! This is what I ended up with https://gist.github.com/frankely/de9a9113e5618ac3c4ffa3f48d430ae2
Make sure to set up the stagingDirectory locally so you can also run pulumi preview/up.