And now compilation is waaay faster... From 12 hou...
# dotnet
And now compilation is waaay faster... From 12 hours to, probably few seconds
šŸ˜³ 2
can you re-link the project github here? I'm very interested in seeing the changes
sure, but among ALL the changes, I have no idea what was that dropped it dramatically. Florian Verdonck suggested to upgrade to the latest FsAst for performance improvements and I also upgraded Myriad and made a bunch of stuff cached/parallel.
Awesome. Iā€™m really curious to what you did to optimize performance.
have a look, I did all sort of stuff, I really wish I knew what made the massive difference šŸ™‚
dotTrace suggested hot spots, but I'm not convinced it was just that
@sticky-jordan-27156 I just realised I mentioned you here ^ right before you joined the workspace šŸ™‚ as I was trying to tag you yesterday. Whatever you did probably made also a huge difference to performances in my Pulumi library. I can't really trace the performance improvements, but thanks šŸ™‚
Hey @numerous-artist-1705, yeah I joined a couple of days ago. We had some performance issues in Fantomas and started a benchmark some months ago. I guessing you will have had the same problem.
Yes, the generation took >12 hours, now it's down to a minute. Thanks for your suggestion on GitHub.