Is this the recommend way to combine a stack outpu...
# dotnet
Is this the recommend way to combine a stack output with an invoke? Stack outputs are still a tad clunky by only outputting as
and invoke args don't accept
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var globalKv = Output
            .Tuple(cloudInfra.RequireOutput("").Apply(x => (string) x), cloudInfra.RequireOutput("").Apply(x => (string) x))
            .Apply(tuple => 
                    GetKeyVault.InvokeAsync(new GetKeyVaultArgs
                            Name = tuple.Item1,
                            ResourceGroupName = tuple.Item2
Yes, I think that’s the current way to do so. I realise we don’t have an issue to track improvements in stack reference API, even though we do get questions regularly. Mind opening one?
👍 1