<@UB39JFCKC> In this example, using AzureNextGen, ...
# dotnet
@tall-librarian-49374 In this example, using AzureNextGen, https://gist.github.com/dbeattie71/5b67c25b06adb8bf143c171c0ff1d284 I would expect changing the vnet address space and the subnet address prefix to result in a replace for the nic but instead I'm seeing update. So when up runs, I get the error that the Code="InUseSubnetCannotBeDeleted" error. Am I doing something wrong? If that looks correct, I can submit a issue.
I understand why you want NIC to replace but I can’t build a logic sequence that would lead to this in my head. Subnet ID isn’t changing, so I guess NIC won’t “know” yhat subnet is being replaced.
oh, DependsOn looks at the Id to see if its changed?
Not DependsOn, but the property. I don’t think DependsOn necessarily causes replacements… I’ll try to check if it should.
Is there some hacky work-around for this? Other than, blow away stack, re-run?
You can destroy a single resource with
pulumi destroy --target urn