Hi, we cannot get the secret config values working...
# dotnet
Hi, we cannot get the secret config values working. In particular, we have the following config value, set like this:
Copy code
pulumi config set --secret databaseServerPassword "abcdef"
In a stack, we have
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var databaseServerPassword = config.RequireSecret("databaseServerPassword");
var database = new Database(...); // This works fine

return new AppService(
    new AppServiceArgs
        Name = resourcesPrefix,
        AppServicePlanId = appServicePlanId,
        ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName,        
        ConnectionStrings =
            new AppServiceConnectionStringArgs
                Name = "Database",
                Type = "SQLAzure",
                Value = Output.Tuple(database.ServerName, database.Name, databaseServerPassword).Apply(t =>
                    var (serverName, databaseName, databasePassword) = t;                    
                    return $"Data Source=tcp:{serverName}.<http://database.windows.net|database.windows.net>,1433;Initial Catalog={databaseName};User ID={databaseUsername}@{serverName};Password={databasePassword}";
The app service is created fine, but without the connection string. If we remove databaseServerPassword from Output.Tuple (and remove the corresponding variable from the connection string), it works fine. Is there a problem in the way we work with secrets/output?
Any update on this? I'm having issues as well. In particular
returns a type of
which I can't seem to get at.
No update unfortunately, I still don't know what's wrong with this approach.
What secrets provider are you using?
If I understand correctly, the issue is that the
can’t be used because it’s an
. This is as per https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#how-secrets-relate-to-outputs So
needs to be used and the reference to the secret variable used within the apply. Here is some example code where the secret is used within the
to create a resource group:
Copy code
class MyStack : Stack
    public MyStack()
        var config = new Pulumi.Config();
        var rgName = config.GetSecret("rgName"); 

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroupName = rgName.Apply(rgn => {
            var rg = new ResourceGroup(rgn, new ResourceGroupArgs
                Name = rgn,
            return rg.Name;

        var storageAccount = new Account("storage", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier = "Standard"

        this.ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName;
        this.ConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString;

    public Output<string> ResourceGroupName { get; set; }
    public Output<string> ConnectionString { get; set; }
@witty-candle-66007 But we are using apply.
Yes. And I saw that but I thought it was because of how you were using the Apply. As it turns out your code is very close to this: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/master/azure-cs-appservice/AppServiceStack.cs Do you have the same problem if you follow the pattern in the referenced example? Or if there are reasons for not following that pattern, can you share your code in full?