Hello, I started using the new Lambda Container Im...
# dotnet
Hello, I started using the new Lambda Container Image build and release and appears that I am now all of a sudden receiving the following error "The operation cannot be performed at this time. An update is in progress for resource: arnawslambda:XXXXX". Is this due to the timeout for the operation to complete that it is not waiting long enough for the update to complete? I understand this is a "phase" of lambda code being updated, however I am trying to fix this so that our pipelines can update without impacting them.
The issue only occurs when updating. Initial deployment is fine. I think I may need to upgrade pulumi on my Build Agents, as it currently is running 2.14.X
Hi, What version of the pulumi-aws package are you using? Lambda container support was added in version 3.17.0 so it's worth checking that you're using a version that supports it. Also, yes it's probably worth updating your pulumi version as well - latest is v2.16.2
@brave-planet-10645 the version of AWS Module is 3.20.0. Locally I am dev on 2.15.2, and running into the same issues. However, this goes back to my original issue with pulumi_docker of the container images on the build agents always updating regardless if I use the same commit Id. Ref: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/issues/232
Let me install that version of pulumi and aws and take a look
Initial deployment works as expected. If you change the dockerfile or make a change which will result in a new image being deploy, this is where I see a 11min-12min deployment resulting in the error reported.
Hi James, I've spun up a small test Pulumi project (you can see it here) with a really simple lambda image and deployed it, then made a change to the image and re-deployed and haven't seen what you're seeing. There's a couple of steps next: 1. You can run
pulumi up --logtostderr -v=9
and see if there's anything in the output there that would suggest what's taking so long. 2. I'm happy to take a look through some code if you want to email it to support@pulumi.com I would also recommend updating your Pulumi CLI to the latest version (v2.16.2) and also the AWS provider npm package (v3.22.0 - or you can change the value in your package.json to be ^3.0.0 we haven't updated the major version for a while) because there might have been something under the hood that we've changed that has fixed this - although I'm not having the same issue so I'm not sure.
✔️ 1
@brave-planet-10645 Sound good. Let me run through those here shortly. I will open a case as this is high priority for our team.
I've seen your ticket. I'll take a look and we can continue our conversation there
Can I just check - is everything .net? So the pulumi code as well as the code in the docker container?
My example was typescript so I'll try to reproduce it with .NET if that's your usecase
Yes all is dotnet sdk 3.1