Is there a specific reason that the Azure VirtualN...
# dotnet
Is there a specific reason that the Azure VirtualNetwork is in Azure native while Azure Subnet is in the classic? Im assuming this is a work in progress provider??
They are both in both, if you mean reference docs
yeah just realized the subnetdelegation for AzureNative is actually in the VirtualNetwork section rather than the subnet section
so when I look at the Azure Native reference and click subnet itll take me to an example for Pulumi.Azure
Oh, that’s unexpected. Where should I click to repro this?
let me do some screenshots
Ah I see what I did. This is user error 🙂 I searched using keywords Azure Subnet in the search the docs field which lead me to: /Docs/Reference/API/Azure/network/Subnet So me being new and not knowing there were two providers simply got confused. My apologies. This was user error. I should probably just use the links rather than the built-in search for the page
😅 my apologies