Thoughts and questions re dotnet automation api an...
# dotnet
Thoughts and questions re dotnet automation api and configuration... • given I have my own generic host with config, logging, and services (di) etc • automation api for config can effectively be bypassed with config injected directly into stack instance • ... is this safe or will there be some gotchas that I might be missing? • ... I guess still needs to be called if only to record config values used at the time that will then show in the ui? • provider use of config is currently problematic ( • ... could this be lazy initialized or invert control by calling back to the automation host for config? • ... but is this not a problem if you always explicitly instantiate a provider and pass args?
I created a ProviderHelper so I can switched between aws accounts with using statements.
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And some reflection to get access to _transformations. That might not be needed with automation-api now.
So it definitely looks like the provider config can be bypassed / overridden via provider args, which avoids the provider static config issue.
I'm still wondering if Pulumi config matters... if I inject an
config into a stack instance I don't need to roundtrip config through the Pulumi config api, unless I'm missing something.
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Presumably Pulumi up runs without any config if config already manifests in stack resource declarations - by being passed to the ctor and used from there.
I'll try to put an example repo on GitHub that I can point to rather than waving my hands
You can DI right into the stack
Not using all those config options, trying several things out.
Yep, I'm doing something similar. I'm just unsure about using Pulumi config when dotnet config sources are so powerful and I want to just use them.
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The helper I created relies on Stack, I'm wondering if there is a way to accomplish the same, with only using a LocalWorkspace and an InlineProgram.
@worried-city-86458 This might be an example of the config question you were asking,