Is there a way to retrieve an Azure resource from ...
# dotnet
Is there a way to retrieve an Azure resource from its ID e.g. in the format /subscriptions/<sub number>/resourceGroups/<group name>/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/<account name> I have found resources.getResource and a more specific one for a particular resource type e.g. logic.getIntegrationAccount but both of those would require some parsing to pull out things such as the resource group name etc.
Ah found IntegrationAccount.Get() which seems to almost do what I want (though it needs a name as well as an ID)
Thanks @tall-librarian-49374. I had a play with that but could only get back an getIntegrationAccount Result rather than an actual resource that I could then use when specifying it as a dependency for a logic app. IntegrationAccount.Get() seems similar but return an actual Resource so I was able to use that
👍 1