hey peeps, I need some help here, I'm trying to co...
# dotnet
hey peeps, I need some help here, I'm trying to convert a
pulumi import
output into C# This is what pulumi gives me...
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var slack_webhook = new AzureNative.Web.WebAppFunction("slack-webhook", new AzureNative.Web.WebAppFunctionArgs
            Config =
                { "bindings",

                        { "authLevel", "function" },
                        { "direction", "in" },
                        { "methods",
                        } },
                        { "name", "req" },
                        { "type", "httpTrigger" },

                        { "direction", "out" },
                        { "name", "res" },
                        { "type", "http" },
                } },
This is what I've mapped the Config to:
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Config = new {
                    Bindings = new object[]
                            AuthLevel = "function",
                            Direction = "in",
                            Name = "req",
                            Type = "httpTrigger"
                            Direction = "out",
                            Name = "res",
                            Type = "http"
I have no syntax errors in the IDE, but when I try running it I get:
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System.InvalidOperationException: <>f__AnonymousType0`1[[System.Object[], System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=asdasd]] is not a supported argument type.
       at Pulumi.Serialization.Serializer.SerializeAsync(String ctx, Object prop, Boolean keepResources)
       at Pulumi.Serialization.Serializer.SerializeAsync(String ctx, Object prop, Boolean keepResources)
       at Pulumi.Serialization.Serializer.SerializeAsync(String ctx, Object prop, Boolean keepResources)
       at Pulumi.Deployment.SerializeFilteredPropertiesAsync(String label, IDictionary`2 args, Predicate`1 acceptKey, Boolean keepResources)
       at Pulumi.Deployment.PrepareResourceAsync(String label, Resource res, Boolean custom, Boolean remote, ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options)
       at Pulumi.Deployment.RegisterResourceAsync(Resource resource, Boolean remote, Func`2 newDependency, ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options)
       at Pulumi.Deployment.ReadOrRegisterResourceAsync(Resource resource, Boolean remote, Func`2 newDependency, ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options)
       at Pulumi.Deployment.CompleteResourceAsync(Resource resource, Boolean remote, Func`2 newDependency, ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options, ImmutableDictionary`2 completionSources)
       at Pulumi.Deployment.Runner.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<<WhileRunningAsync>g__HandleCompletion|0>d.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at Pulumi.Deployment.Runner.WhileRunningAsync()
I'm wondering what should I use instead? This is what the WebAppFunctionArgs type hint looks like (this is for azure native) Thanks