Hi, I've tried to import existing resources with i...
# dotnet
Hi, I've tried to import existing resources with import command. The case is that the code seems incorrect, as I get some errors, for example look below
Copy code
var aks_mypool_12128392_vmss = new AzureNative.Compute.VirtualMachineScaleSet("aks-mypool-12128392-vmss", new AzureNative.Compute.VirtualMachineScaleSetArgs
    DoNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs = false,
    Identity = new AzureNative.Compute.Inputs.VirtualMachineScaleSetIdentityArgs
        Type = "UserAssigned",
The Type property is of type Input<Pulumi.AzureNative.Compute.ResourceIdentityType>? and it seems there's no implicit conversion from string. Is it a bug ?