Hello everyone. I am trying to use Pulumi to crea...
# typescript
Hello everyone. I am trying to use Pulumi to create an AWS codebuild resource, but the documentation is a little unclear on how to connect to a private GitHub repo. The projectArgs#source property docs (https://pulumi.io/reference/pkg/nodejs/pulumi/aws/codebuild/#ProjectArgs-source) say that the
Source blocks are documented below
but they don't actually seem to be documented anywhere. Are there any examples of how to do what I need?
Hi Juliano, sorry this is unclear... unfortunately the way our docs are generated currently leads to some ambiguous blocks like this.
When you say private GitHub repo, do you mean a repo on github.com that is marked as private? Or a GitHub Enterprise install?
No worries. This is a repository on github.com tht is marked as private and requires corporate SSO access
I have a personal access token I can use on the codebuild side to talk to the repo. But I'm unsure on how to configure this using Pulumi
Based on the AWS docs itself, it appears that one can only specify the source repo creds for a codebuild project using the UI only. Search for “The only valid value is OAUTH” on https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/codebuild/create-project.html. Based on what I am seeing, you may need to first authorize your repo on github.com from the AWS console by starting to create a codebuild project, but don’t actually finish creating it. Then using Pulumi just setup the project resource normally by just specifying any applicable properties, except for the
property. I believe once AWS has the OAuth authorization in the console, you should be able to specify repos which would use that existing connection automatically.
hm that's unfortunate. Alright thank you for your help