Hello ! I recently upgraded my node version from 1...
# typescript
Hello ! I recently upgraded my node version from 10.13 to 12.11. Under this version I have an issue with @pulumi/aws. Any code inside someOutput.apply() never executes during preview (tried aws.s3 and aws.lambda). I tried a few versions of this library, from the 1.4.0 to 1.7.0, with the same result. I'll paste repro steps in the thread.
Only 1 bucket is shown in preview : bk1, and log "DBG" is not present in "Diagnostic"
Type Name Plan + pulumipulumiStack test-test create + └─ awss3Bucket bk1 create
node --version : v12.11.0
Outputs: + bucket1: output<string> + bucket2: output<string>
At execution, the 2 buckets are created successfully and the output is correct : + ├─ awss3Bucket debug-bucket created + └─ awss3Bucket debug-bucket-b7b20b4-copy created
Which part of this looked wrong to you? The
callbacks will not be called until the resources are created (or more precisely, until the
is "known". So the above looks to be correct if I'm reading it all right - and should be the same regardless of Node version.