I think it's impossible to, in one deployment, cre...
# typescript
I think it's impossible to, in one deployment, create an SSL certificate and DNS entries to validate that certificate for a domain with multiple "subjectAlternativeNames" in a general way.
This snippet demonstrates the problem. To see the bug, set
at the top to
. To see it work (but not general), set
. In both cases, set an environment variable
to a domain you control . Otherwise, it defaults to
which won't work for anybody:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";

const SHOW_BUG = true

const apex = process.env.APEX_DOMAIN || "<http://example.com|example.com>"
const cert = new aws.acm.Certificate("cert", {
  domainName: `v.${apex}`,
  subjectAlternativeNames: [`vv.${apex}`, `vvv.${apex}`],
  validationMethod: "DNS",

const zone = aws.route53.getZone({
  name: apex,
  privateZone: false,

if(SHOW_BUG) {
  const domains = cert.domainValidationOptions.apply((opts) => 
    opts.map((opt) => 
      new aws.route53.Record(opt.resourceRecordName, {
        name: opt.resourceRecordName,
        records: [opt.resourceRecordValue],
        ttl: 60,
        type: opt.resourceRecordType,
        zoneId: zone.id,
      }, { dependsOn: cert })

  new aws.acm.CertificateValidation(`cert-${apex}`, { 
    certificateArn: cert.arn,
    validationRecordFqdns: domains.apply((doms) => doms.map((dom) => dom.fqdn))
  }, { dependsOn: domains })
else {
  let domains: Array<aws.route53.Record> = []
  for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    domains.push(new aws.route53.Record(`val-${i}`, {
      name: cert.domainValidationOptions[i].resourceRecordName,
      records: [cert.domainValidationOptions[i].resourceRecordValue],
      ttl: 60,
      type: cert.domainValidationOptions[i].resourceRecordType,
      zoneId: zone.id,
    }, { dependsOn: cert }))

  new aws.acm.CertificateValidation(`cert-${apex}`, { 
    certificateArn: cert.arn,
    validationRecordFqdns: domains.map((dom) => dom.fqdn)
  }, { dependsOn: domains })
Glad to make that a gist if it is easier
When the bug manifests, you get this output:
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> pulumi up
Previewing update (cert-demo):

     Type                    Name                 Plan       Info
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack     cert-demo-cert-demo  create     1 error; 4 messages
 +   └─ aws:acm:Certificate  cert                 create

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (cert-demo-cert-demo):
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined
        at C:\Users\Justin\Source\cert-demo\node_modules\@pulumi\pulumi\runtime\resource.js:356:29
        at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
        at fulfilled (C:\Users\Justin\Source\cert-demo\node_modules\@pulumi\pulumi\runtime\resource.js:18:58)

    error: Running program 'C:\Users\Justin\Source\cert-demo' failed with an unhandled exception:
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined
        at C:\Users\Justin\Source\cert-demo\node_modules\@pulumi\pulumi\runtime\resource.js:356:29
        at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
        at fulfilled (C:\Users\Justin\Source\cert-demo\node_modules\@pulumi\pulumi\runtime\resource.js:18:58)
Notice there is no reference to
in that stack trace, so pretty hard to figure out where this is coming from. However, is the
expression used when creating the
object .
This should work - and it looks like there may be a bug in the core Pulumi runtime library. Will take a look and open an issue if there is. Note that creating resources inside an apply is a little less ideal because it means previews may not be accurate (as we can’t know what will happen until the resource is actually created). Because of that - if the
are always populated 1:1 with
then looping over the latter (which are known ahead of time) may be slightly better.
Thank you for taking a look. Probably there should be guidance in the docs or a better error message if nothing else. Glad to provide more details if needed!