I'm trying to learn dynamic providers and I'm star...
# typescript
I'm trying to learn dynamic providers and I'm starting by wrapping a tool called netbox which does IPAM. I get this error:
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prefix.ts(130,21): error TS2564: Property 'endpoint' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.
prefix.ts(131,21): error TS2564: Property 'token' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.
prefix.ts(132,21): error TS2564: Property 'description' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.
I followed the directions on: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#dynamicproviders I made my create return the same names as the
public readonly
members of my
. What am I doing wrong? Partial of my code:
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class PrefixProvider implements pulumi.dynamic.ResourceProvider {
    public async create(inputs: PrefixInputs): Promise<pulumi.dynamic.CreateResult> {
        pulumi.log.debug("prefix create...")
        let netboxClient = new Client({
            host: inputs.endpoint,
            token: inputs.token,

        let description = `${inputs.platform} | ${inputs.region} | ${inputs.type} | ${inputs.name}`

        var async_function = async function(): Promise<AxiosResponse<createPrefixResponse>> {
            return await netboxClient.createPrefix({
                prefix: inputs.prefix,
                description: description,
                vrf: inputs.vrfID,

        const response = await async_function()

        return {
            id:  response.data.id.toString(),
            outs: {
                endpoint: inputs.endpoint,
                token: inputs.token,
                description: description,

    public async delete(id: pulumi.ID, props: PrefixInputs): Promise<void> {
        pulumi.log.debug("prefix delete...")

        let netboxClient = new Client({
            host: props.endpoint,
            token: props.token,

        var async_function = async function() {
            return await netboxClient.deletePrefix({
                id: Number(id),

        const response = await async_function()

export class Prefix extends pulumi.dynamic.Resource {
    public readonly endpoint: pulumi.Output<string>
    public readonly token: pulumi.Output<string>
    public readonly description: pulumi.Output<string>

    constructor(name: string, props: PrefixResourceInputs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
        super(new PrefixProvider(), name, {...props, endpoint: undefined, token: undefined, description: undefined}, opts)
Hi @icy-london-58403, there are a couple ways to address this. One way is to add definite assignment assertions to each property. https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-7.html#definite-assignment-assertions Adding an exclamation point after the property names like:
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public readonly endpoint!: pulumi.Output<string>
    public readonly token!: pulumi.Output<string>
    public readonly description!: pulumi.Output<string>
Another way would be to set
We need to update our example in the documentation. It was written before more recent versions of TypeScript got stricter about this by default.
thanks let me give some of this a try
this worked. Thank you @microscopic-pilot-97530
🎉 1