Hi guys, I'm new to typescript and don't know how ...
# typescript
Hi guys, I'm new to typescript and don't know how it implements strong or weak typing, serialization and so on. Anyways, my Problem is that in one stack I export an object of type eks.Cluster. In another stack where I get it as output, it is of Type Output<any>. How can i cast it to eks.Cluster so that I can access its fields like eksCluster.nodeSecurityGroup.id and so on? Thx for your help!
Across stack boundaries, things get serialized to JSON, so there are not strong types available across the two - and you cannot in general return a fully-instantiaed resource object. You'll likely want to export specific cloud resource ids and then on the other side call
to re-hydrate a resource from the cloud directly.
Hi @white-balloon-205, what if my resource is from awsx and doesn’t have get(id) function. For example: there is
method , but there is no
one. How do I go about it? Basically my
are defined in another stack and I need to reference them somehow in another one.
That is not currently possible. You would need to identify which AWS resources in particular you need in the other stack, and export the `id`s of those. I've opened https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/4133 to track this, as its come up several times. Feel free to upvote or leave additional notes.
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