I got into situation when I need to use outputs fr...
# typescript
I got into situation when I need to use outputs from StackReference in components that also generate outputs and need to assign them to index.ts module exports, so they appear in stack output. Once I wrap them in .apply() callback, exports they were producing can't be assigned anymore. Is there a clean way to work around this without writing promises that would register them in module exports once resolved?
This should works
Could you give an example?
Here's basic reproduction
@boundless-airport-99052 its simple flow. all stacks are in same project, while dev/qa/prod/whatever stacks need outputs of "infra" stack. In console log you can see that module exports actually contains new property, but in outer log and stack outputs its missing
to export a value, you don’t have to use
by, the way, in typescript, I can’t do
in a condition. I should be to the top level. But, here is how I do:
Copy code
import { StackReference } from "@pulumi/pulumi";

const stackRef = new StackReference(`${<http://config.org|config.org>}/${pulumi.getProject()}/infra`);
exports.infraStackName = stackRef.requireOutput("stack")
pulumi manages the Output in exports for you
I see
I put it like that for sake of simplicity
in actual project I pass outputs from stack ref to components that in turn generate outputs of their own and I need to propagate all of them to stack output
so I can only use apply() for that purpose
And btw, exports do work inside conditions e.g. following works fine in both if and switch case scope
Copy code
if (pulumi.getStack() != "infra") {
    exports.test = "123";
the only case I see when exports don't have effect at module scope is inside apply() callback
@boundless-airport-99052 I guess it has something to do with applyHelperAsync, didn't deep dive into that code yet. e.g. following doesn't set exports:
Copy code
setImmediate(() => exports.test = "ABC");
while this one does:
Copy code
(async () => {
    exports.test = "ABC";
And btw, exports do work inside conditions
e.g. following works fine in both if and switch case scope
AFAIK, it didn’t with typescript
in actual project I pass outputs from stack ref to components that in turn generate outputs of their own and I need to propagate all of them to stack output
I don’t understand what you do exactly but you don’t need to use
when you use
and `pulumi.Output`everywhere (including your components)
Thanks a lot @boundless-airport-99052 I got your point and indeed passing Input<string> there instead of string solves the problem I used apply initially because the code was using discovery to get resource, which returned strings for arns/ids and components expected strings.
👍 1
I'd prefer pulumi to provide global registry for stack outputs instead of relying on module exports, so I can just register my outputs from any component
it would also be a language agnostic api, common for all runtimes