Follow-on question: If I have a lambda that needs ...
# typescript
Follow-on question: If I have a lambda that needs to dispatch something to a queue, which is more idiomatic: - Depend on the TS module in which the queue resource is defined, and use the ID off of that queue resource object within my lambda; or, - somehow read the queue ID off of the active Pulumi stack? I know you can do inter-stack dependencies with stack outputs, but can you do intra-stack dependencies that way? Couldn't find docs
Technically, there is a way to self-reference a stack, but I would not do that. I would depend on the module in which the queue is defined and use that ID (say as an env var for the lambda).
The lamba's being serialized by Pulumi, so it's all just a direct JS reference currently
we're not using an external script bundle for the lambda (relates to my last question 😉 )