I've just upgraded from 2.7.1 to 2.8.2, including ...
# typescript
I've just upgraded from 2.7.1 to 2.8.2, including binaries (via the nodejs Docker image) and npm packages. I'm now having problems with security group rules. Two of the error messages I get are
Type 'OutputInstance<number>' is missing the following properties from type 'OutputInstance<number>': apply, get
'import("/pulumi/projects/node_modules/@pulumi/pulumi/index").OutputInstance<number>' is not assignable to type 'import("/pulumi/projects/node_modules/@pulumi/pulumi/output").OutputInstance<number>'.
I deleted my node_modules and ran
npm install
npm upgrade
. Any other suggestions?
It's specifically awsx SecurityGroupRules that have the problem.
This looks like a SxS issue anytime I’ve seen that type of error message. Can you check your
to see if you’re bringing in two copies of
Though, maybe not now that I read the sources more closely in that it’s from the same module…
No duplicates that I can see.
All the errors eventually lead back to either awsx.ec2.TcpPorts or awsx.ec2.UdpPorts.. if that helps...
Hmm, almost certainly not related but I seem to be dependedent on both versions 2.9.2 and 2.13.1 of Pulumi resource-aws.
I'll hunt that down, see if it leads anywhere
As a quick check, you could try to use resolutions to force those versions to be the same
I think I'd rather figure out why 2.9.1 is needed (it wasn't 2.9.2, my typo).
I can't figure it out. It turns out it doesn't need plugin resource aws 2.13.1 at all: I can install it, but it's not used, even though I'm using npm package @pulumi/aws 2.13.1. If I remove both 2.9.1 and 2.13.1, then run
pulumi preview
, it installs plugin aws 2.9.1. Where is this configured? I want to rule out that this is related to the mismatched OutputInstance definitions...
I doubt the plugin is related since you’re not bringing in two different version of the
That’s likely happening because the state file contains information about the version of the provider used
Ah right, so would that go away if I updated the relevant resources? I wonder how I found out which ones they are... Does the pulumi/aws package not depend on the pulumi/pulumi one? Would that offer an explanation as to how I have 2 versions of OutputInstance?
does depend on
but the version is marked as
so it should pull in the same version as the one you’ve explicitly declared in your
there were some cases where you could pull in 1.x via something like
with a mismatched version of
but recent versions of
switched to using peer dependencies to try to avoid that from happening
Maybe I should start fresh. What would be a good way to achieve a clean slate? I don't know where npm / node / pulumi leave files around my system, so I don't know what might get re-used. I've tried to isolate everything into the pulumi-nodejs container but stuff keeps leaking out. I could create a new user, clone my repo, and see how that goes...
Are you using a monorepo? I noticed the path above is
which seems to be not project-specific
I build in a container. It's a small monorepo, I guess. All my .ts code, whether resources or Pulumi projects, are in the one repo.
Works fine in a new workspace.. something is polluting my workspace 😞