I’m trying to break my pulumi definition into mult...
# typescript
I’m trying to break my pulumi definition into multiple files. I’m not too familiar with typescript so that might be causing my problems. Right now, if I want to export a helper function for use by another file, that gets picked up as a stack output. What’s the best way to deal with this? I obviously don’t want a bunch of random javascript objects and type interfaces getting exported as stack outputs but I also can’t shove everything in a single file.
oh this is a great question and one I don't actually know the answer to. Just to make sure I understand so I can get you the help you need, you're doing
export const foo = bar
in a library file, and it's registering as a stack output, you just want it to be an exported method, right?
yes, ideally. 🙂
so normally I wrap this stuff in a component resource, so you'd have
Copy code
export class foo extends pulumi.ComponentResource {
  // all my resources here
you can than set public functions on that component resource
Copy code
public bar(): Output<string> {
        return this.resource.id;
that way I can just import that into my main library. Is that an option? if it's not, i can get you some help from someone a bit more versed in this 🙂
Okay I googled a bit and I think being able to make custom components would do the trick
I personally love this componentresource as an example/boilerplate: https://github.com/jen20/pulumi-aws-vpc/blob/master/nodejs/src/index.ts There are many others, but that one is nice and simple and well written
yeah, i largely just want to put a bit more logic into some lambdas and i can’t have several of them in an
, it seemed like a good time to look into breaking everything down
I'm doing this at the moment, and am finding the opt
aliases: [{parent: this}]
to be very useful to prevent Pulumi from deleting and re-creating all my moving resources...
Hmmm ... I think you guys might be going down the wrong path. TypeScript imports & exports aren't related to stack outputs in any way, except one. If you are using the CLI, then whatever is returned by
becomes your stack outputs. Does
have a single exported function, with type
? If not, maybe you are getting some weird export behavior.
But exporting/importing functions between modules is just a plain typescript thing that doesnt' require custom resources.
@salmon-honey-75627, what was causing your question? Did you have multiple projects? I'm guessing that proj1/index.ts has a function that was also useful in proj2/index.ts, so you exported it, and then Pulumi would dump it to the console in the list of exports, and you didn't like that. That is the circumstance that
helps with.
yes, basically that
component resource works