I am struggling with inputs / outputs or just my g...
# typescript
I am struggling with inputs / outputs or just my general understanding
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let agwConfig: azure.network.ApplicationGatewayArgs = {
        name: agwName,
        resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,
        autoscaleConfiguration: {
                    minCapacity: appGatewayAutoScaleMinimumInstanceCount,
                    maxCapacity: appGatewayAutoScaleMaximumInstanceCount 
        //... more code here
If I wanted to optionally have the autoscaleConfiguration not be set to anything, how can I do that? I tried clearing it after with
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if (!useAppGateayAutoScale)
        agwConfig.autoscaleConfiguration = null;
but it gives me an error that the property is readonly so it can not be changed
I’m thinking you can set a variable before agwConfig that defines the autoscaleConfiguration object and then use that value in the agwConfig setting. E.g.
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const autoscaleConfig = (useAppGaeayAutoScale ? {minCapacity: appGatewayAutoScaleMinimumInstanceCount, maxCapacity: appgatewayAutoScaleMaximumInstanceCount} : {})

let agwConfig ... = {
autoscaleConfiguration: autoscaleConfig
close! I think this works:
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const autoscaleConfig = (useAppGatewayAutoScale ? {minCapacity: appGatewayAutoScaleMinimumInstanceCount, maxCapacity: appGatewayAutoScaleMaximumInstanceCount} : undefined)
(just the last bit changed to undefined instead of {} object)