I think I'm hitting a bit of an antipattern here (...
# typescript
I think I'm hitting a bit of an antipattern here (probably in more ways than one) - but it has seemed to be working fine til now.. In
I create a resource (resourceGroup) as
const rg = new azure.resource... etc
then afterwards place rg in an object
createdStuff = { rg: { name: rg.name.apply(name => name), id: rg.id.apply(id => id), resource: rg}}
and that's fine. then i create a complicated set of network operations, storage operations, etc - and put them each into their own module which follow the model (module.ts:
export const createNetwork = function(curStack : any) : any { .. I do all my stuff here  and update curStack with new resources .. until.. return curStack }
). So far this seems fine. Then I tried making my fourth resource this way - and relying on
as part of the name of the resource I'm creating.. I've used
many times before, in all references to
in at least 8 other resources, but THIS it doesn't like.. I'm getting ye old classic
ror: azure-native:keyvault:Vault resource 'Calling [toString] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.
though as you have seen,
createdStuff.rg.name == rg.name.apply(name => name)
. I just feel that it's weird.
Whenever you have
apply(x => x)
you’re likely heading down the wrong path because the apply isn’t really “doing anything.” I’m having a bit of trouble following the code you have above. Do you mind dropping a larger snippet with what you’re trying to do?
I’m not sure if this is helpful, but one way to think about
is that once you go
, you can never really go back. Like how for a
just returns another
, an
on an
gives you back yet another
. You can feed an
to a resource because they typically accept
(which is defined as
T | Promise<T> | Output<T>
), but you can’t really use an
As Lee said,
literally does nothing for your code. It sounds like you're trying to use an
in a field that only takes a
, like the
of a Pulumi resource. In that case, one option is
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const newResource = createdStuff.rg.name.apply(name => new SomeResource(name, {...}))
Although an annoyance is that
will be typed as
instead of just
If this property value isn't a dynamic value it might be best to put it as its own variable and use that in both places
Also not recommended to create resources within an
though sometimes the only way is not a recommended way 🤷‍♂️
I'll paste a bit more of a snippet so you get the jist.. but strange that it's an antipattern when it's basically recommended based on the output:
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Type                            Name
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack             modularity-modular
     └─ azure-native:keyvault:Vault  Calling [toString] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.

To get the value of an Output<T> as an Output<string> consider either:
1: o.apply(v => `prefix${v}suffix`)
 : pulumi.interpolate `prefix$
  azure-native:keyvault:Vault (Calling [toString] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.

To get the value of an Output<T> as an Output<string> consider either:
1: o.apply(v => `prefix${v}suffix`)
2: pulumi.interpolate `prefix${v}suffix`

See <https://pulumi.io/help/outputs> for more details.
So - a slightly longer snippet to see what's going on - first the index.ts:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure-native";

import { createNetworks } from "./components/network";
import { createStorageAccounts } from "./components/storageAccount";
import { createKeyVault } from "./components/keyvault";

const config = new pulumi.Config("azure");
const ssp : any = config.requireObject("ssp")
const shouldCreate : any = config.requireObject("create")

export = async () => {
    for (group of ssp) {
        const rg = new azure.resources.ResourceGroup(`${group.logicalName}_${group.location}`, {
            location: group.location,
            resourceGroupName: `${group.logicalName}_${group.location}`,
            tags: group.tags
        let rgStack = {
            ssp: group,
            parameters: {
                name:  rg.name.apply(name => name),
                location: rg.location.apply(location => location), 
                id: rg.id.apply(id => id),
                resource: rg
            resources: {}

    if (shouldCreate.network) {
        rgStack = await createNetworks(rgStack);

    if (shouldCreate.storageAccount) {
        rgStack = await createStorageAccounts(rgStack);
    if (shouldCreate.keyVault) {
        rgStack = await createKeyVault(rgStack);

and the content of `./components/keyvault.ts`:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure-native";

import * as _ from "lodash" 

const config = new pulumi.Config("azure");
let kvConfiguration : any = config.getObject("keyvault") == undefined ? {} : config.getObject("keyvault")

export const createKeyVault = async function(kvStack : any) : Promise<any> {
     * Setting up default values

    const kvDefaults = {       
        sku: {
            family: "A",
            name: "standard"
        tenantId: "-my-tenant-uid", 
        enableRbacAuthorization: true,
        enabledForDiskEncryption: true,
        enabledForDeployment: true,
        enabledForTemplateDeployment: true,
        softDeleteRetentionInDays: 90

    // for some reason erroring out when trying to use RG name in vaultName
    //const vaultName = `${kvStack.parameters.name}vault`
    const vaultName = "staticstringworksfineofcourse"
    kvStack.keyVault = {
        config: {
            vaultName: vaultName,
            location: kvStack.parameters.location,
            resourceGroupName: kvStack.parameters.name,
            tags: kvStack.ssp.tags,
            properties: _.defaultsDeep(kvConfiguration, kvDefaults)
    const kv = new azure.keyvault.Vault(vaultName, kvStack.keyVault.config)
    kvStack.keyVault.resource = kv;
    kvStack.keyVault.parameters = {
        name: kv.name.apply(name => name),
        id: kv.id.apply(id => id),
    return kvStack;
oh and yes, this is my first time using typescript rather than plain javascript for node type stuff, so pardon my liberal use of <any> types
I also realize that it's rather pointless for the pulumi aspect to be using async/await in the context of resource creation, that's mainly there for auxiliary calls that might be a bit more dependent on flow later on.
Right, this is as Mike mentioned earlier where the actual resource names need to be prompt values (and not outputs). Looking at the code above, it seems like this value will be known, so you’ll want to plumb it through and just have `name:
in your parameters.