Whenever I pass a listener to my external ALB crea...
# typescript
Whenever I pass a listener to my external ALB created with crosswalk’s help I expose my service to the entire world, even though my custom security group rules restrict traffic to my ip address only. Is there a way to disable this behaviour and still use awsx? https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-awsx/blob/master/nodejs/awsx/lb/application.ts#L231-L249
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const http = new aws.ec2.SecurityGroup(
    name: `${sharedPrefix}-http`,
    ingress: [
        fromPort: 80,
        toPort: 80,
        protocol: 'TCP',
        cidrBlocks: [...whitelisted],
    vpcId: vpc.id,
    tags: overridenTags,
  { deleteBeforeReplace: true }

const https = new aws.ec2.SecurityGroup(
    name: `${sharedPrefix}-https`,
    ingress: [
        fromPort: 443,
        toPort: 443,
        protocol: 'TCP',
        cidrBlocks: [...whitelisted],
    vpcId: vpc.id,
    tags: overridenTags,
  { deleteBeforeReplace: true }
const alb = new awsx.lb.ApplicationLoadBalancer(albName, {
  name: albName,
  external: true,
  vpc: vpc,
  subnets: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
  securityGroups: [http.id, https.id],
  tags: overridenTags,