Is there any way to use TypeScript 4.x with Pulumi...
# typescript
Is there any way to use TypeScript 4.x with Pulumi?
I've got typescript v4 on my machine and it's working fine. How are you using the aws sdk? We ship v2 with our AWS provider:
Copy code
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";

const db = new aws.sdk.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
On my laptop:
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❯ tsc --version
Version 4.2.4
oh, I was using @aws-sdk/client-secrets-manager - I will switch to @pulumi/aws then - thanks!
And I have:
Copy code
$ tsc --version           
Version 3.7.7
where tsc is from
- is that expected?
I assumed that I don't have to install my own global typescript version
Good point actually... I've got 3.7.7 as well. let me ask internally to see if there are any plans to use an updated version of typescript
Thank you!