Hello! I'm new to Pulumi and trying to follow this...
# typescript
Hello! I'm new to Pulumi and trying to follow this tutorial for a JS setup. Is this the right spot to ask some questions? https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/testing/integration/
Sure, for the questions specific to TypeScript. There are also other language-specific channels and provider-specific channels (#aws, #azure, etc). And #general if you think the question is broader.
@little-cartoon-10569 thanks. I'm honestly just wondering how to do the exact same thing from the tutorial but in typescript/js
You mean, use the Pulumi golang integration test tools through Typescript? That tool is provided as a golang library, there's no straightfoward way to do that.
The only Typescript-native post-deployment (or in-deployment) solution is CrossGuard / policy as code.
There are lots of other tools that you can leverage, from outside the Pulumi ecosystem.
@little-cartoon-10569 Ah, thank you, I had the thought that it might be just in go.