does pulumi offer any functions to generate kubeco...
# typescript
does pulumi offer any functions to generate kubeconfig's ? I have an existing kubernetes cluster, and I want to try and connect to it using pulumi + typescript, the provider can accept a kubeconfig ( which is easy if i'd created the cluster using
. what am I missing?
There’s no built in function, but you can write one fairly easily - do you need some specific functionality
it's more a quality-of-life thing; currently i just have:
Copy code
const cluster = aws.eks.getCluster({name: "mycluster"})

export const kubeConfig = cluster.then(c => JSON.stringify({
    apiVersion: "v1",
    clusters: [
            cluster: {
                server: c.endpoint,
            name: "kubernetes",
    contexts: [
            context: {
                cluster: "kubernetes",
                user: "aws",
            name: "aws",
    "current-context": "aws",
    kind: "Config",
    users: [
            name: "aws",
            user: {
                exec: {
                    apiVersion: "<|>",
                    args: [
                    command: "aws",

const kubeClient = new k8s.Provider("mycluster", { kubeconfig: kubeConfig })

// do stuff
but it looks goofy 🙂