Hi, I have a function with a simple ternary expres...
# typescript
Hi, I have a function with a simple ternary expression that doesn’t work and always evals to true. Can anyone tell me where I’m going wrong?
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const iamId = (): (pulumi.Input<string> | pulumi.Output<string>) => {
            return account.name.apply(name => name.includes('iam')) ? account.id : args.iamAccountId
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const iamId = (): (pulumi.Input<string> | pulumi.Output<string>) => {
            return account.name.apply(name => name.includes('iam') ? account.id : pulumi.output(args.iamAccountId))
Is this the fixed solution? The first snippet would already return
, but this version looks better. Is it doing what you want now?
Hey @little-cartoon-10569, yes it is doing what I want it to do.
However, the return type at this point will only ever be
Yes that's correct. Since the return value is based on an async value (account.name), it will never be possible to make the return value available synchronously.
Asides: 1. There isn't a need to use
pulumi.Input<string> | pulumi.Output<string>
, since
is defined to be
string | pulumi.Output<string> | Promise<string>
. 2. Is there a need to define an anonymous function to get this value? In most cases you should be able to use
const iamId = account.name.apply(name => name.includes('iam') ? account.id : pulumi.output(args.iamAccountId));
💯 1
@little-cartoon-10569, you’re absolutely right. Thank you for the tip. As you can probably tell I’m still learning typescript/pulumi having used terraform mainly in the past.