Hi i accidentally cancelled pulumi deployment i t...
# typescript
Hi i accidentally cancelled pulumi deployment i tried to export the state and import it but now my stack is all messed up its referencing old pending_operations names all over the stack how to clean up pulumi stack and redo deployment from scratch ? i tried to remove the stack completely, by running 'pulumi stack rm but dint help
You can export the stack, edit it to remove the pending operations (they're at the bottom), and import the stack.
Make backups.
+1 you need to remove the pending operations before importing it back in
(This is a #general question. This has affected other people, you may find more details by searching in that channel.)
👍 1
It has probably been suggested already but a built-in command in pulumi to do this like 'pulumi dontcare' which does an export/remove-pending/import would be much appreciated - I end up doing this often, also thought about scripting it with jq for my project 🙂
Often in this case,
pulumi stack export | pulumi stack import
will clean things up.