how can I tell pulumi to generate an output from a...
# typescript
how can I tell pulumi to generate an output from a function that is not in the resource dependency tree? in the example below, when I run pulumi up, deployedVersionCommit is never set. everything else runs fine. another similar function whose return value is used by a resource creation works fine, too. so I'm guessing it has to do with this function not being part of the dependency tree. Is there any way to do what I want?
You could run it as part of an apply statement
So something like...
Copy code
resource.apply(x => getCommit(x));
(assuming you're getting the sourcesDirectory as part of creating a resource)
Where are you getting
sourcesDirectory comes from configuration, with
basically, what I want to do is I want to add the full commit to the outputs because it makes it easier to later see which version was deployed by just running
pulumi stack output
That means you'll be constantly changing that output, is that ok?
I will change it whenever pulumi up is run, that is okay
although the way you ask the question seems to hint that there are some hidden costs to this I might not be aware of?
It means that there might be situations where nothing will be changed resource-wise, but because of the change in output it'll be marked as a change
Are you using the console to store the state or are you managing it yourself?
the console
So you'll get the git commit in your updates in the console:
(over on the right hand side)
I think the change is okay: the idea is pulumi up is part of a CD pipeline. whenever it's being run, there will be a new version for certain (because the pipeline is triggered only upon PR merges into master),
that is the commit hash for the repository where the pulumi project is located. but I got multiple repositories and the infrastructure one (holding, amongst other things, the pulumi projects) is not the most relevant for us.
so you are saying I can do this with apply even if sourcesDirectory comes from config?
You can mark the config value as an output:
Copy code
const directory = pulumi.output(config.get("sourcedirectory"));
export const gitsha = directory.apply(x => runfunction(x));
I think that will work
trying that now
it works - thanks ❤️
🎉 good good