As long as one can create resources and pass outpu...
# typescript
As long as one can create resources and pass outputs between them, my coding goes fine and smooth. But for the n-th time, I'm struggling when I have to mix in a get function. Context: I have a regular Javascript function creating, first calling a get function and based on the output, creating 2 resources and returning me a
which I used correctly in my code. So far so good. I'm now trying to convert that function to a
subclass, where I have the get function and the resource creation as well. But in that move, it seems I broke the setup for correct async processing. When I try to refer to the outputs of my
, they still seem to be
. Each output in my component is an output from each of the 2 child resources. Does anyone have an example of a
which mixes a get function, resource creation based on the fetched info and exposing outputs on the component class?
Is it one of the get functions that returns a Promise, rather than an Output?
I have a fair few resources like that. Here's a snippet from the constructor of one.
The important bit imo is that Promises returned from get functions like getAmi have to be wrapped in
@billowy-army-68599 that issue is indeed my mental tormentation. ๐Ÿ™‚
@little-cartoon-10569 my code looks very similar to yours regarding, except for the place where you use
Let me try it around the get function.
@limited-rainbow-51650 i believe your experience is going to get much better here pretty soon ๐Ÿ˜„
@billowy-army-68599 you mean by applying the suggestion from @little-cartoon-10569, or by you and your colleagues fixing that issue? ๐Ÿ˜„
by making the experience better, accepting outputs in functions
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but any time tenwit is involved your life gets better too ๐Ÿ˜„
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@limited-rainbow-51650 - @enough-garden-22763 pointed me to this: take a look at the experience and let us know what you think
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The functions now have $fnOutput forms that return an Output, and accept Input/Output in arguments; these forms behave similarly to what you would do by mechanically wrapping promise-returning functions with an apply block. This should be available in TypeScript already, we are just waiting on languages like C# to land support before making an official blog post about it.
@enough-garden-22763 which minimal version of Pulumi has this for NodeJS?
The relevant version here is version of providers.
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E.g. v4.25.0 definitely has it, itโ€™s not obvious which older version had it, one sec
So sounds like weโ€™re looking at providers built against 3.15.0 (2021-10-14) or higher of pulumi/pulumi; I canโ€™t seem to easily correlate this through pulumi-aws versions, apologies.
In my case, I will have to search for versions of the GCP (classic) and Kubernetes providers to have this.
With Kubernetes I donโ€™t seem to find any functions in so it does not seem it would be affected; sorry this is the provider Iโ€™m a bit less familiar with, so if you give me an example piece of code you are thinking of updating that can help me find it quickly.
@enough-garden-22763 with all the help I got so far, I was able to fix it. I will definitely start to use the new function Output functionality ASAP. It simplifies the coding a lot!
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