Hi. I noticed that <https://github.com/pulumi/pulu...
# typescript
Hi. I noticed that https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/8215 got merged and was super happy as I have that issue. So I went trying the patch, but now, I end up with another issue:
Copy code
Error: failed to register new resource createTeam [aws:lambda/function:Function]: 2 UNKNOWN: failed to compute asset hash for "node_modules/@theboxescapegame/dhvg-core-types": asset path 'node_modules/@theboxescapegame/dhvg-core-types' is a directory; try using an archive
(It's an in-house package in our monorepo). Any clue? Cc @prehistoric-kite-30979
https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2980 got closed following the merge of #8215, but I got the same issue with that patch.
Has this been added to a release yet?
or are you pinning directly to a commit for you pulumi import?
this wont be in a release until 3.17 by the looks of it
I backported your patch using "yarn patch"
I didnt actually test the yarn link use case but I dont see why it wouldnt work
(I only tested my own)
I do not use "yarn link", just regular workspaces
ok let me check once 3.17 is cut
ping me on Friday 🙂
(yarn 3 - hoisting disabled)
Cool, thanks! 🙂
FWIW 3.17 won’t be cut until next Wednesday but you can always install the latest dev builds with
yarn add @pulumi/pulumi@dev
ok I’ll give this a go tomorrow, thanks
ok, had some time so gave this a go…
Copy code
is whats complaining, so the aws library must update its pulumi version as well I think?
good call. That should also pull in 3.17.0 once it’s released based on how it’s specified in the package.json - but you might be able to use resolutions to force pulumi-aws to use the dev version for now.
@red-match-15116 I have the same issue with 3.17.0 (dev)