Hi! Interestingly I came to this channel because I...
# docs
Hi! Interestingly I came to this channel because I wanted to recommend some further documentation on using Pulumi in CI/CD environments. It's one area of the docs that feels a bit "light", considering most teams using IaC are likely to run their infra through PRs and CI/CD as opposed to running
pulumi up
on a machine? Maybe not... I'm also having trouble with pulumi/actions as it happens, specifically pushing Docker images to GCR.io
Thanks for the recommendation! I certainly agree we can add some more use-case specific documentation here but do you have anything specific that’d you’d like to see?
I think it's a fair bit of documentation, but step-by-step instructions for setting up GCP/AWS/Azure deployments on the "big" CI providers, Github Actions, Circle Ci, Travis etc. As well as integrating the Pulumi Bot to Github, Bitbucket, and Gitlab would be great. This is an area where I feel Terraform Cloud is doing pretty well. Only minutes from a reliable CI driven workflow with deployment approvals / Bot powered PR comments, and per environment/stack secret configuration.
Hmm I kind of take some of this back. There's plenty of documentation - I suppose the parts that could be fleshed out are more details on connecting to the providers, and troubleshooting those connections. I was specifically having trouble with deploying to GCP due to an issue with the container registry. Like others I've not been able to get the Pulumi Bot working, so I think between those two issues I felt a bit lost, but I do appreciate there's a lot of documentation around CI providers.
For posterity, here’s our current CI/CD guides page: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/continuous-delivery/.
Like others I’ve not been able to get the Pulumi Bot working, so I think between those two issues I felt a bit lost, but I do appreciate there’s a lot of documentation around CI providers.
Would you mind giving us some info on the issues you encountered with the Pulumi Bot? It would help us improve our docs. I can file an issue to update our docs around that.
I had to check slack to get the bot commenting on github. My preview workflow now looks something like:
Copy code
    name: Pulumi Preview
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 1
      - uses: <docker://pulumi/actions>
          args: preview
          COMMENT_ON_PR: "1"
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          PULUMI_CI: pr
@millions-furniture-75402 I opened https://github.com/pulumi/docs/issues/3583.