Happy Friday everyone! :wave: Today we're announc...
# announcements
Happy Friday everyone! 👋 Today we're announcing some important changes to Pulumi's product editions and pricing. This includes offering editions that are better aligned to the broad range of teams we work with -- from startups to medium and large companies to Global 2000 organizations -- in addition to per user pricing. The decision to switch to per user wasn't easy, but per stack pricing made it difficult for many customers to estimate how much Pulumi will cost. More details are available here: https://blog.pulumi.com/announcing-per-user-pricing-and-unlimited-stacks-for-teams. I'm happy to answer any questions here or over DM. If you're an existing customer, we are in the process of reaching out with the option to switch plans. If you see this before we're able to reach you, and want to change your organization to one of the new plans, don't hesitate to DM me here on Slack, or contact us at https://pulumi.com/contact. If changing right now doesn't make sense, no worries, we are happy to honor existing subscription agreements we have in place. As always, thank you so much for the continued support as we continue building a vibrant open source community and business model to support it -- needless to say, we couldn't do it without you! 🎉
👍 8
partypus 8bit 3
Hi, this is good news! 🙂 Just a few questions: - in "Team starter", "Up to 20 project stacks", does it mean 20 projects with unlimited stacks per project? - what's the difference between basic and advanced secret management? - "APIs and webhooks" is there a detailed documentation what these offers exactly? Maybe an api refrence
🙌 1
Great questions! A few replies -- happy to hop on a call to discuss if that helps:
- in "Team starter", "Up to 20 project stacks", does it mean 20 projects with unlimited stacks per project?
It means 20 stacks total, across any number of projects. The unlimited stacks kicks in at the Team Pro tier.
- what's the difference between basic and advanced secret management?
Admittedly less today than down the road. For now, we are offering private beta for pluggable secrets providers (local encryption, KMS, Vault, etc), and this will grow over time into better management of key rotation and organization-wide key management policies.
- "APIs and webhooks" is there a detailed documentation what these offers exactly? Maybe an api refrence
We have some documentation about the webhooks available here: https://pulumi.io/reference/service/webhooks.html. We expect to deliver OpenAPI specs and better docs for our entire API surface area, however right now, it's fairly limited. We've worked with several customers to enable them to use our current APIs, however, to build things like Slack bots and other integrations.
thanks for the info!