A consistent theme we've heard from Pulumi users a...
# announcements
A consistent theme we've heard from Pulumi users and customers over the last 6 months has been the importance of a stable foundation for the community to build upon. As a result, one month ago we began the process of scoping and working toward Pulumi 1.0 based on specific community and customer feedback. As part of that, we will be launching a
release shortly, and working toward a final 1.0 release over the coming weeks for the core parts of Pulumi (the
CLI, the deployment engine, the AWS/Azure/GCP/Kubernetes providers and the
service). As always, we welcome your feedback! We view 1.0 as a chance to fully stabilize the existing experience with Pulumi. We expect to follow up with 1.0.1 for additional bug fixes, 1.1 with new features for new user scenarios, and 2.0 with more ambitious changes. Moving to 1.0 will allow us to use semver for our versioning more fully. We'll be starting with the
release this week, and following that up with additional betas over the coming weeks as we finalize 1.0. We do not expect significant churn in these releases, and encourage users to move from the current
releases to these
releases. Those interested can follow along with the set of work that is currently considered in scope for 1.0 by following the
tag in GitHub at https://github.com/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&amp;q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+org%3Apulumi+label%3Afeature%2Fq3. You can also as always follow our broader roadmap at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/wiki/Roadmap, which is now updated with the 1.0 plans. Pulumi has come a long way in the 2 years it's been in development, and is now used by thousands of users and hundreds of companies of all sizes. Thanks to continued feedback from everyone in the Pulumi Community, and for your help in improving all aspects of the Pulumi project!
❤️ 16
🎉 6
whats it the best way for customers to get heard when 2.0 planning/implementation kicks in?
we will both post a proposed roadmap for comments and host some sort of community event ... in the mean time, if you have some specific requests, please feel free to DM to share, etc -- thanks in advance for the feedback!