We are happy to announce that full support for all...
# announcements
We are happy to announce that full support for all Amazon EKS scaling options, including Managed Node Groups and Fargate, is now available. This includes the raw AWS provider building blocks as well as support in our EKS package. Kudos to the team for reacting fast to get this out the same week of re:Invent -- especially @breezy-hamburger-69619 and @white-balloon-205 who are somehow also simultaneously staffing our booth! Details here: https://www.pulumi.com/blog/aws-eks-managed-nodes-fargate/
🎉 11
😮 2
❤️ 8
👏 5
👍 11
🚀 9
Just a quick note here:
with Fargate support is not available on NPM yet. The latest version (
) was published 21 hour ago.
Sorry for the delay - the
release is available now! 🎉
Nice! Thank you, Luke! 🚀