We're really excited to share that the `2.0.0` rel...
# announcements
We're really excited to share that the
release is available now! 🎉 . You will see it available in package managers and as the default download from pulumi.com, homebrew, chocolatey and more. You can read about migrating to
at https://www.pulumi.com/docs/get-started/install/migrating-2.0/. We'll have more to share about the release very shortly - but ahead of that news, I just want to thank everyone in the Pulumi community for their feedback and support as we've worked toward this
release. I'm incredibly excited about the new functionality that is generally available in
and the foundation it lays for the next wave of investment in the Pulumi open source project. Thank you!
💯 11
p 2
🎉 26
partypus 11
woohoo 7
partypus 8bit 8