<@U87DZN4MT> could we possibly connect to flesh ou...
# contribute
@bitter-oil-46081 could we possibly connect to flesh out more of the .NET details this week, perhaps on either Wednesday or Friday? I posted on issue #1526 to inquire about some of the things you suggested, such as closure serialization. I just want to build a more complete understanding of what you put in the issue to be sure I'm not making false assumptions.
Let's chat Friday, I think at that point I'll be in a place where we'll have enough foundation that interested folks can pick up the torch and run with it. I did see your question, and it's it excellent. Taking me a small amount of time to respond because I need to collect my thoughts. I'll try to do that later today or tomorrow.
Sounds good! Do you have a preferred mode of communication (phone, slack)?
Hey Matt, my apologies that we haven't connected. I'm doing summer classes, have a work project that's running behind, and together, they've been an enormous sap on my time. I believe it should be freeing up shortly, though. Have you got any more ideas on architecture? I've played with delegate serialization a few times, and think I've got a clear enough idea in my head to have a conversation. Any chance we can connect some time next week?