I believe I have a fix for pulumi-aws#252, but am ...
# contribute
I believe I have a fix for pulumi-aws#252, but am having a heck of a time creating a pull request via
make travis_pull_request
. Basically, I have not been able to configure my build environment correctly, so make always fails near the end. It does work enough to build and install to test the changes.
Great - thanks for the contribution.
make travis_pull_request
is actually the make target that gets run inside TravisCI for a PR. It is not intended for use on developer machines. You should be able to just open a PR directly in GitHub from your branch. What errors are you seeing when you build locally?
cc @stocky-spoon-28903 as well - who I think was looking into this issue recently, and may be able to help get your changes ready to merge
Hi @handsome-state-26704! I’ll take a look at this tomorrow. It’s somewhat finicky to get the build environment locally, but just a plain
make ensure && make
should do the trick!
👍 1
Great! Thank you, gentlemen.
PR #579 in pulumi/pulumi-aws created.
Thanks, I’ll look at this this morning!
Hi @handsome-state-26704 - I’m having trouble getting this to work - can you describe what you did to see a change in behaviour?
I added profiles in my ~/.aws/config, the target profile depending on an STS token. I defined an environment variable to point to the target profile. In the pulumi-aws project, I did a
make build
and then a
make install
. I ran a simple node.js project and ran
pulumi up
to test.
Ok interesting - i put a profile in the credentials file and that was not recognised
Yeah, config is different than credentials. Even the format of the definitions are different.
Yes, actually it works fine with config. I need to make it work with credentials too though, since that is a common pattern for people
I think it’s a very similar change to yours fortunately! Thanks for the pull request
You're welcome. As I learn about Pulumi, I'll try to fix stuff along the way.
Thanks. I added to it to get the remaining bits going too. I’ll push some changes to your fork and run tests before merging