Can anyone help in this thread: <
# contribute
Can anyone help in this thread: I am facing a problem on WSL2 to import stack, all I got is this message from command `pulumi stack import`:
error: could not import deployment: performing HTTP request: Post "": stream error: stream ID 3; PROTOCOL_ERROR
Running on: • Pulumi v2.4.0 • WSL2 Ubuntu • OS Build 19042.330 • Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2202.130.0
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> wsl -l -v
  NAME                   STATE           VERSION
* Ubuntu                 Running         2
Have tried both following methods:
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$ pulumi stack export | pulumi stack import

$ pulumi stack export --file o.txt
$ pulumi stack import --file o.txt
Best to ask this in #general , but I'll give it a shot in my environment.
👍 1
From that error message, the URL looks rather odd, the “…stacks///dev…” especially seems strange. What version of
are you using? (Output of
pulumi version
) As far as the syntax for importing a stack,
--file o.txt
should work if the
says that is supported. I usually just run:
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pulumi stack export > checkpoint.json

# hack

pulumi stack import < checkpoint.json
So that should work, let me know if you still have any issues and I can help troubleshoot.
❤️ 1
Good observation, I removed the project namespace to post here, that's why the odd "…stacks///dev…" :x Pulumi version output:
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$ pulumi version
I could make it done using
Windows Powershell
instead of running Pulumi on
wsl2 Ubuntu
console. The problem on
still occurring.
Now using
the problem occurs too:
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> pulumi stack export | pulumi stack import
warning: removing pending operation 'updating' on 'urn:pulumi:dev::project::aws:cloudfront/distribution:Distribution::cdn' from snapshot
error: could not import deployment: performing HTTP request: Post "<>": read tcp> wsarecv: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Have tried to logout and login again but did not worked.
Sorry for missing this, but let me see if I understand it correctly: You aren’t able to run
pulumi stack import
when running Windows PowerShell (
?) when on
wsl2 Ubuntu
, right? That error message makes it look like there is a networking problem contacting, but if you can successfully do so in some other environment/VM on your machine… then the best guess I have is that it could be related to the certificates available and/or if HTTP proxying is setup or something. As a brief sanity check, you could run
to make sure you can contact the service:
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% curl <>
{"code":401,"message":"Unauthorized: No credentials provided or are invalid."}
If this persists, please do file an issue on and we can take a closer look. This does seem odd.