<@U01E602D5JA> :wave: This is probably the best pl...
# contribute
@bored-oyster-3147 👋 This is probably the best place for us to discuss Automation API C# related contribution questions
Meet @tall-librarian-49374 and @microscopic-pilot-97530. They will be able to provide input on idiomatic C#-isms for Pulumi, API design, naming etc.
cc @worried-city-86458 who had expressed some interest in this area. Not sure if you're still interested in following along or potentially contributing once Josh gets the initial PR off the ground.
sounds good! nice to meet you guys! I'll probably start putting some work in tomorrow. first question right off the top before I get started since I'm looking at the way you guys have the node & go automation implementations kind of separated from the existing code in an
directory - are we envisioning that the dotnet automation api code should go in a new class library or just in a new namespace in the existing library?
👍 1
Yes. The idea is that the SDKs will remain in the experimental package (
) until pulumi 3.0 is released at which time the APIs will be locked. Until that point we may make some minor breaking changes across SDKs as we expose things like structured streaming output from updates.
I did start a branch for dotnet, but there is not much there. Just a start on the workspace interface: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/compare/auto/dotnet But do not feel limited by anything that's there. Feel free to start fresh, move things around, etc.
Ah - ok, that makes sense that it is a pre-release thing. Sounds good
ok next question - what library do we want to use for YAML de/serialization of project/stack settings? Assume that System.Text.Json is OK for JSON settings files?
YamlDotNet looks promising. Brendan Burns made a contribution recently which might be a signal that it's actively used in the community https://github.com/aaubry/YamlDotNet/pull/539 That suggestion only comes from a quick bit of googling. Personally I'd be happy with anything that looks to have a decent quality bar and is actively maintained.
YamlDotNet looked like the default option last time I checked
Hey guys! I made a draft PR with some thoughts and questions and will be getting back into this on Monday or Tuesday after the weekend. Have a nice weekend!
partypus 8bit awesome! I'll take a look
just made another commit with an initial implementation of
as well as taking some suggestions from PR and fleshing out workspace/stack