Hi! I raised a <PR> for a minor documentation edit...
# contribute
Hi! I raised a PR for a minor documentation edit. Is there anything else I need to do or be aware of? For context, it’s to address this: https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/CRH5ENVDX/p1617285357144400
Hi @limited-pager-46264, the documentation for our providers (along with the code) is auto-generated, so any changes to the SDK code will be overwritten in a future update. Those doc comments come directly from the upstream provider, so it’s difficult to change them for python (which insists on snake case) specifically.
😢 1
Thanks for letting me know about the challenge in fixing it 🙏 Didn’t want another user to run into the same confusion
Shall I close it then?
I’ll close it with a comment referring what we discussed here. I hear you that it is confusing, We’ve done our best to align with python practices by converting to snake case where possible but comments are definitely difficult since they are just text 🙂
👏 1
Thank you! 🙂