Hello, I am very new to all of these. The break po...
# contribute
Hello, I am very new to all of these. The break points I am adding to the tests are not working, they are just ignored. This is not happening with go programs, so it is may be not the ide. I was wondering if somebody could help me. Also I am not sure if this is the right channel, if there is another channel for people who are just new, I would be happy if someone can refer them to me
we also have a #getting-started channel if you'd like to try asking there as well.
What piece of code are you setting breakpoints in? Is this in the Pulumi engine/CLI? Or in your Pulumi program? What IDE are you using? There are some tips in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1372 on attaching a debugger to a Pulumi program.
I have set a break point in new_test.go hoping to understand the cmd commands
this is in the pkg in pulumi engine, my first problem however is that I am not sure if I have set up the pulumi project properly. A lot of import files can not actuallz be imported. I ran the make ensure command but with little luck
Hello Luke, Is there a way to debug the Pulumi CLI? What I am trying is to debug the pulumi source code itself
The Pulumi CLI is a Go binary, so you can debug it using any Go debugger - for example if you are using VS Code - https://github.com/golang/vscode-go/blob/master/docs/debugging.md. The CLI entrypoint is https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/blob/master/pkg/cmd/pulumi/main.go. So you can have your debugger launch from there.
Thank you very much. However the debugger exits with code 0 btw, I am using goland. I put a breakpoint in main() and started debugging, the debug console opens, I entered "pulumi new" but after a while the debugger exited with code 0. I am sorry that the questions are very stupid. I am complete beginner